

“phishing" --- 维基百科的解释

Phishing is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and sometimes, indirectly money), often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.The word is a neologism created as a homophone of fishing due to the similarity of using a bait in an attempt to catch a victim. 

生词点拨: 1. malicious 恶意的,蓄意的 2. masquerade 化妆,伪装  3. trustworthy 可靠的,可以信赖的  4. entity 实体,实在存在物 5. neologism 新词 6. homophone 同音异性异义字 7. bait 诱饵  8. victim 受害者

       ▲ 朗读者: Miss Sharon

Fisher 是渔夫的意思,就是以打渔为生的人,那么你知道“phisher”是什么意思吗?你也许猜到了,这个单词是网络钓鱼者的意思。phishing email 就是钓鱼邮件的意思。


Dear Higher Lee,

Thanks for your email.

We are Germany leading Buying Agent.Our goodwill and reputation in the consultancy firm is what we deliver to our esteemed customers and we assure you 100% good relationship in business.

Note that we have gone through your companys website and also your product attachment which will interest our esteemed customers, so We wish to express our interest in purchasing large quantity of your products.

Thus, we have uploaded the pictures of our required item numbers, sizes and quantity to our order placement link, so we advice you to go through our placement order link and view our desired items which we required from your company. We also require a slight modification in price to suit our specific customers need.

Please log in our order webpage ( http: xxxxxxx ) with your companys email and corresponding password to view our desired products which we required from your company. We hopefully wait for your Proforma invoice to be arranged soonest.

Best regards,

Ms. Sophia


goodwill   商誉,信誉

esteemed customer 尊敬的客户

go through   浏览, 翻阅

suit ones need  适合某人的需求

log in  登录

proforma invoice  形式发票





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